
"Yes really, even though you may not know the way, and may occasionally get lost from time to time, Dutch will always bring you back home."

"Home - Patrick do you really think that this could be my home?" Alannah said with a glimmer of hope in her voice. Now that Erik has come back into her life, she coul only hope that Jakob would eventually find his way safe and sound as well. She prayed every day for his safe return to her familyand that with the information she ralayed to Dominic with Erik there she may finally be safe from her father and Eraldo.

"Of course I do Alannah, you have become a valued part of this family. Yes Señorita I said family, there is no way that Señora Beringer is going to let you leave with that monster of a father."


"Now, hush child and let me show you what being part of this family is all about." Patrick said, as he placed a hand on the small of Alannah's back and urged her forward. He opened the boot, which is a hinged box much like a steamer trunk, but this one is permanently affixed to the rear of the buggy. "In here is where things are placed that will be needed for even short trips along the road. Things like blankets, a basket for food and drink, and a waterproof holder for matches that comes apart like this," he said unscrewing the little container "and see - it already has matches inside. These other tins, here, hold oil for the lamps; this catch here," he said pointing at a black iron latch on the back of the buggy "is for the canopy so should it rain while you are out, you can open the canopy and ride mostly rain free. This box has brushes for Dutch and an oilskin which is used to keep the rain off him should the two of you be caught in a storm. Now it would be best to go for a ride so that you can get used to the reins and controls, and so that you and Dutch can become better aquainted."

Alannah needed no further urging, she had a great big smile on her face as she stepped aboard the buggy and within moments she was off. She headed in the direction that Pierre had taken her, hoping that she would find the right trails to go visit Anya.

She realized the truth about the horse's plodding strength as they went up or down a hill. No matter how steep the grade of the hill Dutch managed to keep the same pace, pulling the light buggy behind him as though it were a feather.

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