Maria waved an object at Alannah as she came from the house, bearing baby Anya on her hip. Alannah's other two children, four-year-old Peter and two-year-old Sarah, were happily playing and obliviously getting themselves covered with mud in the garden patch. Maria placed the object on the table where her mother-in-law sat watching her grandchildren.

"Alannah," she said, an odd note in her voice, "perhaps you should come look at this. It is a letter from North America. I think it is from Rosemary."

Surprised, Alannah got to her feet, retrieved the letter with a frown, and tore it open.

"Dear Alannah,

I am writing this letter to you now because I want to make amends for everything I and your brother did to you. What I did was wrong and I realize that, I knew it was wrong back then but I was so hurt that I couldn't see past the pain. Alannah, I know there is nothing I can say or do that will fix what I did to you or take away the pain I caused. The only thing I can do now is say my peace and hope that you will forgive me.

I have news, when Eraldo and I made our escape I thought I would never find the love that I wanted, but I was wrong. Eraldo and I were married shortly after we left the Island, and we have a beautiful baby girl Natalia, who is now 2 years old. Alannah - your brother changed his life around after we left, he quit running guns and took a great job that paid enough for him to support his family, you would have been so proud of him. Sadly, a few months ago, he passed away; there was an accident where he worked and he was crushed. I would have contacted you sooner, but I was not yet ready to face you for fear that you would not forgive me for my actions.

What happened to you was during a time when I was at my worst. I was my own worst enemy at that time and I know that I was responsible for an unfair and violent assault upon you. Just writing this letter an acknowledging that time, makes me sick inside. I never would have thought that I would be capable of such actions and I cannot begin to express how sorry I am for hurting you the way I did.

There is no excuse or provocation for such behavior. I would like you to know that I am addressing this problem immediately. I have since gone through many changes, and I am a better person because of it. After Eraldo and I left the Island we went back to his home in New York, there I went through extensive counseling and I would like to report that I am ready to face the consequences for my actions. Copyright 2016 - 2025