The guns were almost in firing position when there came another blast- from the opposite side this time. It seemed to those watching that those on the ship were milling about in confusion for a moment. In the meantime, perhaps sensing the gunners hesitation, the first gun fired again -

"Get out of there!" Dominic croaked as he watched, helplessly. "For the love of Dios, follow the plan and get out of there!"

- and then again the gun fired; the other followed this time, almost simultaneously, causing the warship to lurch.

But the ship's gunners were experienced and finally got past their initial confusion and surprise, they sprung into action. Bringing the guns to bear down on the fortress, even as the two cannoneers managed another volley - and then suddenly there was an explosion of fire and flames from the ship. The two guns and that had been firing now seased their operations as the area that had exploded included the guns, and sections of the ships walls. Everything within a five feet radius was pulverized by a hail of falling rock and debris, and hanging in the evening air was a plume of acrid smoke that smelt of brimstone, gunpowder and gasoline.

"Her nose is down! Her nose is going down! We got her!" and an erruption of cheers could be heard for miles.

"People we need to keep it down!" Dominic yelled, calling them all to silence. "Look, they"re abandoning ship! But keep in mind that they are mercenaries- professional soldiers- trained killers! And they are far more dangerous now than ever before because now, they have nothing left to lose! Look, they are already halfway to shore, and soon they will be within firing range-" Just then another explosion from the fortress, and he watched at the launch was shattered and those inside disappeared. He continued to watch the ship, the nose was far below the waters surface, and as she struck bottom you sould see the ripples as the ship began to shudder and break apart. Then the ship rolled slightly as the rest of the slowly began to submerge-

"Dominic, it looks as though she is down for the count," Santiago said, slapping his friend on the back, "that was a glorious plan."

"She is not quite deep enough to fully sink, it is low tide right now, she will be run aground and useless by dawn," he said grimly. "For another six hours she will still have her teeth, though anyone left on board trying to use the weapons will be walking in water and finding it hard to operate any of the machinery." Copyright 2016 - 2025