"Oh, there's a way off," Rosemary muttered to herself, "What are you waiting for, go find them." She made low and deep growl sound as she glared at Alannah's unconscious form. "You would die now, wouldn't you? Wouldn't you! Wake up you little whore!" Rosemary turned around and busied herself making some broth, soaking it in bread, and then she sat down next to Alannah and began to force it into Alannah mouth and then massaging her throat to make her swallow. "That's it, be a good little girl and eat now, so you can stay alive. Those boys had better find your brother, then we will see what happens to you."


Two days later a very large ship plowed through the waters towards Los Linga demonios as inexorably as fate itself. There on the main deck stood a man who looked distinguished, he was dressed in a white suit. The man had one gold ring on his pinky finger and a gold bracelet on his wrist, and he was smoking an expensive Cuban cigar watching the braceleted hand. He took one final drag of the cigar and flicked it into the water. He watched as a sea-plane circled overhead, then came around once again and on the water 100 yards from the bow of the ship. At that same moment the order was given to cut ship's engines, and they weighed anchor just two miles outside of Port Lira. The ship coasted to a stop just before it touched the tail of the plane. A launch was lowered from the starboard side of the ship, the launch went directly to the plane and returned moments later. A tall, skinny man with yellowing teeth, was brought on board, clutching his hat in his hands and looking rather nervous.

"You are sure," the man in white asked. "You are sure that my daughter Alannah, is on this . . . what do you call it? Los Linga demonios? What does that mean anyway?"

"Yes sir, Alannah is on the island Los Linga demonios means the Devil's tongure, Señor Ferguson. Señora Beringer has been here for nearly five months now. And the other Señor Fergusons are here too, two have been with her while the other is…"

"Señora Beringer, who is that, I am talking about my daughter Alannah. And what other Ferguson's are here?"

"I…I never heard a name Señor, and the Señora Beringer I am referring to is your daughter. She married…" the pilot from the plane said swallowing hard against the knot in his throat. "She married Senor Dominic Beringer last month. As for the other Ferguson's that are on the island all I know is what I have heard. I heard that a tall man claiming to be her brother is here, there are two other men on the island that are supposed to be related to her. I was told that one of them has been trying to kill her . . "

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