
Feeling pressure ontop of her hand, she was brought out of her trance and looked up to see Dominic's concerned look resting on her pale face. "Alannah, do you recognize this man?"

Her heart was in her throat, making it impossible for her to speek so she simply nodded. For a moment she felt as though the wind had been knocked out of her lungs. When she was finally able to answer him, her words came out so low, Dominic had to lean into her to hear what she was saying. "Yes…yes I know him." Tears dropping down to stain the sketch, "that man …."

"That man is my brother." Erik said before Alannah could say anything else.

Everyone turned to look at hims as if they were seeing him for the first time.

The guest squinted his eyes at Erik, and said "how do we know the man in this sketch isn't you?"

It was Jakobs' turn to speak, "Our father exiled myself and Erik here, he exiled myself when Alannah was eight, and Erik sometime after that. Eraldo, the man in that sketch is Erik's twin brother. Eraldo was sent to Find me and deal with me because I was a liability to our father. He knew that I would stop at nothing to take Alannah away from him. Our father is a dangerous man, when I refused to join the "family" business he beat me to within a breath of my life."

"He did the same to me," Erik said "Jakob and I are nothing like our father, but Eraldo, he was easily turned. While I lived in New York Eraldo was dealing with the Mob, selling guns that he would get from our father."

"It's true, everything they say is true. He beat me too, when I refused to marry the man he chose for me. When I was in Germany I saw the men in the Asylum, I saw what his guns of war did. Our father will stop at nothing to take me back, this man in this picture is Eraldo. These two" she said looking at her other brothers "have always tried to protect me. Even Nicolo the gardener here knew about my father and he was exiled from Dalkey because of his friendship with me. I have no idea what he has done to poor Timothie, but I can only imagine. Please you have to stop Eraldo, if he captures me, I am as good as dead." She said nearly in tears as she finished talking

Dominic's appeared stunned and at a loss for words, it was the guest that spoke. "Señorita Ferguson, I am Ricardo Martinez, I am the harbormaster of Port Lira. We managed to obtain these sketches from an elderly lady who lives close to the Port. As visitors come onto the island through the Port, she stops them and asks if they would like a hand drawn sketch. Once she sketches the visitors, she will either sell them to the visitors or trash them. She makes a good living off of selling them, but there are more often than not many of her drawings that never get sold, so she throws them away." The captain explained, "Due to the recent activities on the island and the information that has recently been brought to our attention by Señor Beringer we approached the elderly woman and requested that she look through her discarded pictures and discovered these two portraits. These two men among other have been seen lurking around your friend Anya's house and watching the road to the Chateau. The would-be assassin here - your brother," he said pointing at the picture of her brother, "and this stocky gentleman, we can only guess that this man is his accomplice. Señorita the likelihood of your brother coming in on of his own volition are not good. Should situations contiinue to escalte any beyond what they have already, there will be no choice but for us to use deadly force."

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