"In the old days he would have been hanged for doing what he has done." Pierre said puitting in his two cents.

"In the old days, my friend," Dominic said quietly with a wry smile, "he would have been subjected to much more vicious punishments than a mere hanging. He would have been subjected to many forms of unspeakable torture until his death occurred, because even in those days the law itself was lawless, reckless and unjust. Regardless, Matias must be caught and questioned, and subsiquently punished if he is found guilty of the crimes which have occurred here tonigh. Now that I think about it, it can be no coincidence that he would bring Alannah to the Chateau, minus the money she would need to travel elsewhere."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Alannah asked him with a puzzled expression on her face, "why would Matias leave me at the Chateau and not somewhere else?"

"Because on one hand, leaving you at the Chateau made it easier for you to seek shelter and for us to find you. While on the other hand it would make it difficult for you to travel very far. That is if you managed to travel anywhere at all. What I'm thinking is that it is very possible - even highly probable - that Matias was paid to bring you to the Chateau. Although having Nicolò with you may have comprimised his plan a little, because having recognized you, he may have been in contact with your father's people and was to advised to stall for time until someone came along and . . .

"I can not be certain that is indeed what transpired, but it is the only explanation that makes sense. But then again, you said your father is coming here directly and that he intends to personally take you to some form of oubliette until such time as you agree to marry this man from the neighboring village, is that right?"

"Yes, that's right. But why would Matias have been paid to bring me here?"

"Because he would then know where you were and how to get here. Why is it then I wonder, that these two men, show up here without your father? Do you think that it is their sole purpose to kill you?"

"No, if they meant to kill me, they would have done so. The shotgun they carry is a highly sophisticated sniper rifle, it does not miss."

"Were they trying to scare you then?"

"I think so. Dominic there is something I need to tell you." Alannah said as she looked over at Anya, fear and anticipation in her eyes.

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