Had he actually kissed her? She clamped her mouth shut. Of course he had - like a big brother. He was merely watching over her - or was he? Was it wishful thinking, or was there a mutual attraction between them?

She watched his car disappear down the road and shook her head. It was pointless to even consider the idea. When his job was finished, she would never see him again.

She walked around the side of the house to appraise the damage. A huge maple tree had barely missed the house. One branch lay broken against the house and the corner of the roof was damaged. She would have to report the damage, and that meant a trip to town and a call to Scott Muldrow. She might as well call Dad at the same time. Maybe it would put him on his toes if she mentioned Keaton.

She showered and dressed in warmer clothes, locked the house door, and descended the steps to the car. The sun reflected across several large dents in the hood and roof. She moaned. Now it would be a trip to Fayetteville so the rental agency could verify the cause of damage - and then a call to her auto insurance company. Well, there was no point in putting it off.

The trip to Fayetteville didn't seem as long - maybe because this time she was expecting a long journey. In any case, by noon all of her business was conducted except calling her father. This time her cell phone worked and a deep voice answered.

"Megan?" His voice brought a fresh surge of homesickness.

"None other. Is the business still operating without me?"

He chuckled. "Barely. Are you ready to come home?"

"Sure, in three more weeks."

He chuckled again. "Having fun, are you? I'm glad to hear it." He hesitated. "Made any new friends yet?"

"Mm, just Clara, at the store."

He was fishing. Why not take the bait and tell him about Keaton. That was what he was wanting to hear about, anyway. She caught her breath.

"Oh, and a devastatingly handsome chicken farmer."

There was a pause and he finally cleared his throat. His voice had an edge to it.

"Now don't take up with some smooth talking country boy just because you're lonely."

Now he was worried she was getting serious about the investigator. Let him worry a little more. He deserved it for being so sneaky.

"Lonely? Oh, he doesn't give me a chance to get lonely. Every time I turn around, there he is - watching over me, I guess. Why do you suppose he's so interested in me?"

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