"Which way?"

"Clara smiled as she reached for the pen and paper. "I'll draw you a map while you make your phone call.

"Thanks." Megan handed the paper and pen to her. She lifted the receiver and punched in the number. The telephone rang twice before a familiar voice answered.


"Mom? It's Megan."

"Oh, Megan." The voice warmed. "I was wondering when you would call. Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Yes. You should see the cabin - you'd love it, and the scenery is fantastic. You can't imagine how many trees there are."

"Don't get too attached. "Your father is worried you won't come back."

"Worried enough to send someone out to keep an eye on me?" She held her breath.

Mrs. O'Hara laughed. "Funny you should mention that. He was talking about it this morning, but I think I talked him out of it."

"Good for you."

Dad would tell Mom what she wanted to hear and then do exactly as he pleased. Of course, in this case he had already done it and wanted to keep her in the dark.

They exchanged news and details on the climate differences and finally, when they were talked out, they said their good byes.

Clara was putting the finishing touches on her map when Megan approached the counter. She explained the map and Megan tucked it in her pocket.

"Thank you. I think I can figure it out."

"It isn't as difficult as it looks. Just keep to your right on the main road and you'll get to the highway just fine." Clara cocked her head to one side. "Did Mr. Keaton come calling yet?"

Megan wished she could stop the flood of color that burned her cheeks.

"Yes. Did you send him?"

Clara gave an indignant sniff. "Of course not. Why would I do a thing like that?"

Megan shrugged. "No reason, I guess." If Clara hadn't sent him, then Dad had.

"Did you like him?"

"He seemed like a nice sort." No point in telling Clara about their trip to the creek. It wasn't actually a date, anyway. "I'd better get going if I want to make it back before dark."

"Be careful and have fun."

"I will."

The trip to town was uneventful and it was nearly five before Megan returned. As she ascended the porch steps, she noticed two books lying in the rocker. She picked them up and studied the covers. One was about Arkansas Wildlife and the other about edible plants and healing herbs. No doubt Clara had left them. As she opened the cover on one, a note fell to the porch. She stooped and picked it up, reading aloud.

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