He stopped abruptly and turned to face her. He clutched her shoulders and shook her. "What did you say?"

His fingers dug into her arms and she cried out involuntarily. Immediately he released her. She turned away from his glowering face. It wasn't the time or place, but the subject was opened and the confrontation could no longer be delayed.

"We're not right for each other." Did he notice the tremor in her voice? She would have to be more firm. She glanced up at him and tried to make her voice more forceful. "You must realize we can never be happy with each other."

Cold gray eyes stared at her from a stern face. He wasn't like this before - so cold and calculating. "I know nothing of the kind." He said. "This courtship has been going on too long and you're getting bored. It's time we set a date."

She gave him a sour look. "How about the third week from never?"

"Don't be disrespectful." His tone was crisp but his gaze softened a little. "This marriage is the best thing that could happen to either of us."

She caught her breath. "Even though we're not in love?"

He scowled at her. "Love is a romantic notion."

"Then why get married? Instead of a marriage ceremony, we could take merger vows."

He stiffened a moment, eyeing her critically. Finally his expression softened and he reached for her. "Now don't get your back up. I didn't say I didn't care for you. I'm just saying that love grows with time. You have to work at it."

She dodged his hands. If they had to work at love during courtship, what would marriage be like - when he no longer needed to pretend affection? That's all it was - a facade. She glared at him.

"Give me a break," she said in a cold voice that didn't sound like her own. "The only feelings you have for me have roots in my financial status - and the influence my father would have on your career."

His face turned scarlet and he balled his hands into fists.

"You ungrateful little bi..." He bit the words off and his voice became controlled, his eyes like cubes of ice. "Don't get high and mighty with me. If it weren't for your money and position, no man would take a second look at you."

She caught her breath and stared at him. Of course she wasn't beautiful, but did he find her that unattractive? Was that the only reason men had dated her?

She forced a wry smile and each word of her response dripped with sarcasm. "So you admit I'm right. That's your only interest. You're a gold digger. What gives you the right to call me names?"

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