Their whirlwind romance had provided enough gossip already. Eloping would merely provide another topic. On the other hand, if she traveled back to Arkansas with him without benefit of marriage… Her heart was pounding. Why not get married Thursday? Justin was right. It was about them, not everyone else. A private wedding and honeymoon would give them a chance to adjust to each other. If Mom and Dad wanted a reception, they could have one after they got back.

She glanced up to find Justin watching her. He lifted one brow and gave her a wry smile. "You're liking the idea of not telling anyone until we get back, aren't you?"

She smiled. "I hadn't thought that far, but now that you mention it…"

He chuckled. "So we're on for Thursday?"

She hesitated. As he said, what difference did it make? They were engaged to be married. Wasn't the date and place up to them? She wanted him to set a date and he had. She had planned on being with him this weekend. It all sounded so logical...and yet, it had a certain amount of romance as well.

She nodded. "I have a feeling our marriage is never going to have a dull moment."

While he was at her apartment with her, it all sounded doable, but after he left she was in a state of near panic. As much as she wanted to be with him, marriage was a serious step, not to be rushed into. Of course, they had already decided to get married, so it wasn't a sudden decision. If he had suddenly decided to get married six months from now, would that be more acceptable? And yet, there was so much to do.

She grabbed a pen and pad, writing down the things they would need to do before they got married. First on the list was a marriage license. California didn't have a waiting period. One of her friends was married the day she got the license. If she remembered correctly, the cost was about $90. Did Justin know that? She didn't mind paying it, but she was sure he wouldn't let her. Southern pride.

What should she wear? What would he wear? She'd have to ask him about that. They would need witnesses for the marriage certificate. Would it be only them or would Sylvia and her husband Joe attend? What about her parents? Two days simply didn't provide enough time to prepare. She paced the room, certain that there was something of vital importance that she was forgetting.

She picked up the phone several times to call her parents, only to put it back down because she couldn't decide how to break the news to them. She was tempted to get married Thursday and never tell them. In the end, she opted for the truth. They deserved to be told. She picked up the phone again, steeling herself for a lecture. Copyright 2016 - 2024