Mrs. O'Hara absently centered the cake on the table. "I think you're imagining things. Denton is crazy about you." She frowned. "In any case, don't let your father hear you talking like that. He'd be terribly upset."

"Father isn't marrying Denton..." she paused. "And neither am I."

Mrs. O'Hara regarded her daughter with a troubled expression. Somehow she didn't seem surprised. "Does Denton know that?"

"He will," she answered trying to sound confident. "I'm going to tell him tonight."

Mrs. O'Hara let out a long sigh. "You're much too independent. You're never going to find a man."

Megan shrugged. "Then I'll stay single. What's so terrible about that? I've gone from Dad to Denton. It would be nice if I could make the decisions that affect my future, for once."

Mrs. O'Hara eyed her thoughtfully. "Don't burn your bridges behind you. Denton is going places. When you're my age you'll wish you had taken his proposal of marriage more seriously."

Megan bit her tongue. Obviously Mom had joined the ranks of those who thought marrying Denton was the only way she could live up to the O'Hara name. Why the competition? Would it be so terrible if she never acquired a fortune? Money couldn't buy happiness. Of course, it didn't prohibit it either. Hadn't she been happy...until now?

On the verandah, soft music was playing and several couples were dancing. One of the couples was Denton and Clarissa. They moved as one with the music and it struck her again that they were made for each other. She glanced around and saw Clarissa's date sitting alone near the entrance to the garden. Megan shook her head. It was no consolation that she wasn't the only one being used.

The man stood and smiled as she approached. "Happy Birthday."

"Thank you." She leaned her back against a pillar and looked up at him. "You look familiar. Have I met you before?"

"Possibly. The name is Scott Muldrow." He offered a hand. "I work at the real estate office downstairs from your suite. I've seen you in the elevator a few times."

She shook his hand "Oh, yes. I remember. As a matter of fact, I think I saw one of your listings in the newspaper tonight."

"Are you and Denton looking for a house?"


Why didn't anyone notice the coolness between them? Everyone assumed their wedding date would be announced any time now. She tucked the minor annoyance to the back of her mind.

"I was picking up papers in the lobby and happened to notice the article. It was something about some land in Arkansas."

"Oh yes - a new listing. A couple moved out here and listed it for sale. I told them they would be better off listing it in an Arkansas paper. To tell you the truth, I think they're a little reluctant to sell it." Copyright 2016 - 2024