Yet some atonement his present anger demanded, and these circumstances

caused her a very painful embarrassment. She formed a hasty excuse;

and expressing her sense of his goodness, again attempted to retire,

when the Abate frowning in deep resentment, his features inflamed

with pride, arose from his seat. 'Stay,' said he; 'whence this

impatience to fly from the presence of a benefactor?--If my generosity

fails to excite gratitude, my resentment shall not fail to inspire

awe.--Since the lady Julia is insensible of my condescension, she is

unworthy of my protection, and I will resign her to the tyrant who

demands her.'

To this speech, in which the offended pride of the Abate overcoming

all sense of justice, accused and threatened to punish Julia for the

fault of her friend, madame listened in dreadful impatience. Every

word that detained her struck torture to her heart, but the concluding

sentence occasioned new terror, and she started at its purpose. She

fell at the feet of the Abate in an agony of grief. 'Holy father,'

said she, 'punish not Julia for the offence which I only have

committed; her heart will bless her generous protector, and for

myself, suffer me to assure you that I am fully sensible of your

goodness.' 'If this is true,' said the Abate, 'arise, and bid the lady Julia

attend me.' This command increased the confusion of madame, who had no

doubt that her detention had proved fatal to Julia. At length she was

suffered to depart, and to her infinite joy found Julia in her own

room. Her intention of escaping had yielded, immediately after the

departure of madame, to the fear of being discovered by the marquis's

people. This fear had been confirmed by the report of Cornelia, who

informed her, that at that time several horsemen were waiting at the

gates for the return of their companions. This was a dreadful

circumstance to Julia, who perceived it was utterly impossible to quit

the monastery, without rushing upon certain destruction. She was

lamenting her destiny, when madame recited the particulars of the late

interview, and delivered the summons of the Abate.

They had now to dread the effect of that tender anxiety, which had

excited his resentment; and Julia, suddenly elated to joy by his first

determination, was as suddenly sunk to despair by his last. She

trembled with apprehension of the coming interview, though each moment

of delay which her fear solicited, would, by heightening the

resentment of the Abate, only increase the danger she dreaded.

At length, by a strong effort, she reanimated her spirits, and went to

the Abate's closet to receive her sentence. He was seated in his

chair, and his frowning aspect chilled her heart. 'Daughter,' said he,

'you have been guilty of heinous crimes. You have dared to

dispute--nay openly to rebel, against the lawful authority of your

father. You have disobeyed the will of him whose prerogative yields

only to ours. You have questioned his right upon a point of all others

the most decided--the right of a father to dispose of his child in

marriage. You have even fled from his protection--and you have

dared--insidiously, and meanly have dared, to screen your disobedience

beneath this sacred roof. You have prophaned our sanctuary with your

crime. You have brought insult upon our sacred order, and have caused

bold and impious defiance of our high prerogative. What punishment is

adequate to guilt like this?' Copyright 2016 - 2024