As she spoke she raised her eyes, which beamed with truth and meek

assurance to heaven; and the fine devotional suffusion of her

countenance seemed to characterize the beauty of an inspired saint.

'One day, Oh! never shall I forget it, I went as usual to the

confessional to acknowledge my sins. I knelt before the father with

eyes bent towards the earth, and in a low voice proceeded to confess.

I had but one crime to deplore, and that was the too tender

remembrance of him for whom I mourned, and whose idea, impressed upon

my heart, made it a blemished offering to God.

'I was interrupted in my confession by a sound of deep sobs, and

rising my eyes, Oh God, what were my sensations, when in the features

of the holy father I discovered Angelo! His image faded like a vision

from my sight, and I sunk at his feet. On recovering I found myself on

my matrass, attended by a sister, who I discovered by her conversation

had no suspicion of the occasion of my disorder. Indisposition

confined me to my bed for several days; when I recovered, I saw Angelo

no more, and could almost have doubted my senses, and believed that an

illusion had crossed my sight, till one day I found in my cell a

written paper. I distinguished at the first glance the handwriting of

Angelo, that well-known hand which had so often awakened me to other

emotions. I trembled at the sight; my beating heart acknowledged the

beloved characters; a cold tremor shook my frame, and half breathless

I seized the paper. But recollecting myself, I paused--I hesitated:

duty at length yielded to the strong temptation, and I read the lines!

Oh! those lines prompted by despair, and bathed in my tears! every

word they offered gave a new pang to my heart, and swelled its anguish

almost beyond endurance. I learned that Angelo, severely wounded in a

foreign engagement, had been left for dead upon the field; that his

life was saved by the humanity of a common soldier of the enemy, who

perceiving signs of existence, conveyed him to a house. Assistance was

soon procured, but his wounds exhibited the most alarming symptoms.

During several months he languished between life and death, till at

length his youth and constitution surmounted the conflict, and he

returned to Naples. Here he saw my brother, whose distress and

astonishment at beholding him occasioned a relation of past

circumstances, and of the vows I had taken in consequence of the

report of his death. It is unnecessary to mention the immediate effect

of this narration; the final one exhibited a very singular proof of

his attachment and despair;--he devoted himself to a monastic life,

and chose this abbey for the place of his residence, because it

contained the object most dear to his affections. His letter informed

me that he had purposely avoided discovering himself, endeavouring to

be contented with the opportunities which occurred of silently

observing me, till chance had occasioned the foregoing interview.--But

that since its effects had been so mutually painful, he would relieve

me from the apprehension of a similar distress, by assuring me, that I

should see him no more. He was faithful to his promise; from that day

I have never seen him, and am even ignorant whether he yet inhabits

this asylum; the efforts of religious fortitude, and the just fear of

exciting curiosity, having withheld me from enquiry. But the moment of

our last interview has been equally fatal to my peace and to my

health, and I trust I shall, ere very long, be released from the

agonizing ineffectual struggles occasioned by the consciousness of

sacred vows imperfectly performed, and by earthly affections not

wholly subdued.' Copyright 2016 - 2024