The torches shed a partial light; and while she

anxiously looked round for the person of the duke, the whole party

entered the mansion. She listened to a confused uproar of voices,

which sounded from the room beneath, and soon after it sunk into a low

murmur, as if some matter of importance was in agitation. For some

moments she sat in lingering terror, when she heard footsteps

advancing towards the chamber, and a sudden gleam of torchlight

flashed upon the walls. 'Wretched girl! I have at least secured you!'

said a cavalier, who now entered the room. He stopped as he perceived

Julia; and turning to the men who stood without, 'Are these,' said he,

'the fugitives you have taken?'--'Yes, my lord.'--'Then you have

deceived yourselves, and misled me; this is not my daughter.' These

words struck the sudden light of truth and joy upon the heart of

Julia, whom terror had before rendered almost lifeless; and who had

not perceived that the person entering was a stranger. Madame now

stepped forward, and an explanation ensued, when it appeared that the

stranger was the Marquis Murani, the father of the fair fugitive whom

the duke had before mistaken for Julia.

The appearance and the evident flight of Julia had deceived the

banditti employed by this nobleman, into a belief that she was the

object of their search, and had occasioned her this unnecessary

distress. But the joy she now felt, on finding herself thus

unexpectedly at liberty, surpassed, if possible, her preceding

terrors. The marquis made madame and Julia all the reparation in his

power, by offering immediately to reconduct them to the main road, and

to guard them to some place of safety for the night. This offer was

eagerly and thankfully accepted; and though faint from distress,

fatigue, and want of sustenance, they joyfully remounted their horses,

and by torchlight quitted the mansion. After some hours travelling

they arrived at a small town, where they procured the accommodation so

necessary to their support and repose. Here their guides quitted them

to continue their search.

They arose with the dawn, and continued their journey, continually

terrified with the apprehension of encountering the duke's people. At

noon they arrived at Azulia, from whence the monastery, or abbey of St

Augustin, was distant only a few miles. Madame wrote to the Padre

Abate, to whom she was somewhat related, and soon after received an

answer very favourable to her wishes. The same evening they repaired

to the abbey; where Julia, once more relieved from the fear of

pursuit, offered up a prayer of gratitude to heaven, and endeavoured

to calm her sorrows by devotion. She was received by the abbot with a

sort of paternal affection, and by the nuns with officious kindness.

Comforted by these circumstances, and by the tranquil appearance of

every thing around her, she retired to rest, and passed the night in

peaceful slumbers. Copyright 2016 - 2024