Conversation may be divided into two classes--the familiar and the

sentimental. It is the province of the familiar, to diffuse

cheerfulness and ease--to open the heart of man to man, and to beam a

temperate sunshine upon the mind.--Nature and art must conspire to

render us susceptible of the charms, and to qualify us for the

practice of the second class of conversation, here termed sentimental,

and in which Madame de Menon particularly excelled. To good sense,

lively feeling, and natural delicacy of taste, must be united an

expansion of mind, and a refinement of thought, which is the result of

high cultivation. To render this sort of conversation irresistibly

attractive, a knowledge of the world is requisite, and that enchanting

case, that elegance of manner, which is to be acquired only by

frequenting the higher circles of polished life. In sentimental

conversation, subjects interesting to the heart, and to the

imagination, are brought forward; they are discussed in a kind of

sportive way, with animation and refinement, and are never continued

longer than politeness allows. Here fancy flourishes,--the

sensibilities expand--and wit, guided by delicacy and embellished by

taste--points to the heart.

Such was the conversation of Madame de Menon; and the pleasant gaiety

of the pavilion seemed peculiarly to adapt it for the scene of social

delights. On the evening of a very sultry day, having supped in their

favorite spot, the coolness of the hour, and the beauty of the night,

tempted this happy party to remain there later than usual. Returning

home, they were surprised by the appearance of a light through the

broken window-shutters of an apartment, belonging to a division of the

castle which had for many years been shut up. They stopped to observe

it, when it suddenly disappeared, and was seen no more. Madame de

Menon, disturbed at this phaenomenon, hastened into the castle, with a

view of enquiring into the cause of it, when she was met in the north

hall by Vincent.

She related to him what she had seen, and ordered an

immediate search to be made for the keys of those apartments. She

apprehended that some person had penetrated that part of the edifice

with an intention of plunder; and, disdaining a paltry fear where her

duty was concerned, she summoned the servants of the castle, with an

intention of accompanying them thither. Vincent smiled at her

apprehensions, and imputed what she had seen to an illusion, which the

solemnity of the hour had impressed upon her fancy. Madame, however,

persevered in her purpose; and, after along and repeated search, a

massey key, covered with rust, was produced. She then proceeded to the

southern side of the edifice, accompanied by Vincent, and followed by

the servants, who were agitated with impatient wonder. The key was

applied to an iron gate, which opened into a court that separated this

division from the other parts of the castle. They entered this court,

which was overgrown with grass and weeds, and ascended some steps that

led to a large door, which they vainly endeavoured to open. All the

different keys of the castle were applied to the lock, without effect,

and they were at length compelled to quit the place, without having

either satisfied their curiosity, or quieted their fears. Everything,

however, was still, and the light did not reappear. Madame concealed

her apprehensions, and the family retired to rest. Copyright 2016 - 2024