The last verse was repeated in loud chorus. The duke listened with

astonishment! Such social merriment amid a scene of such savage

wildness, appeared more like enchantment than reality. He would not

have hesitated to pronounce this a party of banditti, had not the

delicacy of expression preserved in the song appeared unattainable by

men of their class.

He had now a full view of the cave; and the moment which convinced him

of his error served only to encrease his surprize. He beheld, by the

light of a fire, a party of banditti seated within the deepest recess

of the cave round a rude kind of table formed in the rock. The table

was spread with provisions, and they were regaling themselves with

great eagerness and joy. The countenances of the men exhibited a

strange mixture of fierceness and sociality; and the duke could almost

have imagined he beheld in these robbers a band of the early Romans

before knowledge had civilized, or luxury had softened them. But he

had not much time for meditation; a sense of his danger bade him fly

while to fly was yet in his power. As he turned to depart, he observed

two saddle-horses grazing upon the herbage near the mouth of the cave.

It instantly occurred to him that they belonged to Julia and her

companion. He hesitated, and at length determined to linger awhile,

and listen to the conversation of the robbers, hoping from thence to

have his doubts resolved. They talked for some time in a strain of

high conviviality, and recounted in exultation many of their exploits.

They described also the behaviour of several people whom they had

robbed, with highly ludicrous allusions, and with much rude humour,

while the cave re-echoed with loud bursts of laughter and applause.

They were thus engaged in tumultuous merriment, till one of them

cursing the scanty plunder of their late adventure, but praising the

beauty of a lady, they all lowered their voices together, and seemed

as if debating upon a point uncommonly interesting to them. The

passions of the duke were roused, and he became certain that it was

Julia of whom they had spoken. In the first impulse of feeling he drew

his sword; but recollecting the number of his adversaries, restrained

his fury.

He was turning from the cave with a design of summoning his

people, when the light of the fire glittering upon the bright blade of

his weapon, caught the eye of one of the banditti. He started from

his seat, and his comrades instantly rising in consternation,

discovered the duke. They rushed with loud vociferation towards the

mouth of the cave. He endeavoured to escape to his people; but two of

the banditti mounting the horses which were grazing near, quickly

overtook and seized him. His dress and air proclaimed him to be a

person of distinction; and, rejoicing in their prospect of plunder,

they forced him towards the cave. Here their comrades awaited them;

but what were the emotions of the duke, when he discovered in the

person of the principal robber his own son! who, to escape the galling

severity of his father, had fled from his castle some years before,

and had not been heard of since. Copyright 2016 - 2024