At twelve the gates of the castle were thrown open, and the company

quitted it for the woods, which were splendidly illuminated. Arcades

of light lined the long vistas, which were terminated by pyramids of

lamps that presented to the eye one bright column of flame. At

irregular distances buildings were erected, hung with variegated

lamps, disposed in the gayest and most fantastic forms. Collations

were spread under the trees; and music, touched by unseen hands,

breathed around. The musicians were placed in the most obscure and

embowered spots, so as to elude the eye and strike the imagination.

The scene appeared enchanting. Nothing met the eye but beauty and

romantic splendour; the ear received no sounds but those of mirth and

melody. The younger part of the company formed themselves into

groups, which at intervals glanced through the woods, and were again

unseen. Julia seemed the magic queen of the place. Her heart dilated

with pleasure, and diffused over her features an expression of pure

and complacent delight. A generous, frank, and exalted sentiment

sparkled in her eyes, and animated her manner. Her bosom glowed with

benevolent affections; and she seemed anxious to impart to all around

her, a happiness as unmixed as that she experienced. Wherever she

moved, admiration followed her steps. Ferdinand was as gay as the

scene around him.

Emilia was pleased; and the marquis seemed to have

left his melancholy in the castle. The marchioness alone was wretched.

She supped with a select party, in a pavilion on the sea-shore, which

was fitted up with peculiar elegance. It was hung with white silk,

drawn up in festoons, and richly fringed with gold. The sofas were of

the same materials, and alternate wreaths of lamps and of roses

entwined the columns. A row of small lamps placed about the cornice,

formed an edge of light round the roof which, with the other numerous

lights, was reflected in a blaze of splendour from the large mirrors

that adorned the room. The Count Muriani was of the party;--he

complimented the marchioness on the beauty of her daughters; and after

lamenting with gaiety the captives which their charms would enthral,

he mentioned the Count de Vereza. 'He is certainly of all others the

man most deserving the lady Julia. As they danced, I thought they

exhibited a perfect model of the beauty of either sex; and if I

mistake not, they are inspired with a mutual admiration.' The

marchioness, endeavouring to conceal her uneasiness, said, 'Yes, my

lord, I allow the count all the merit you adjudge him, but from the

little I have seen of his disposition, he is too volatile for a

serious attachment.' At that instant the count entered the pavilion:

'Ah,' said Muriani, laughingly, 'you was the subject of our

conversation, and seem to be come in good time to receive the honors

allotted you. I was interceding with the marchioness for her interest

in your favor, with the lady Julia; but she absolutely refuses it; and

though she allows you merit, alleges, that you are by nature fickle

and inconstant. What say you--would not the beauty of lady Julia bind

your unsteady heart?'. Copyright 2016 - 2024