The marquis, meanwhile, whose indefatigable search after Julia failed

of success, was successively the slave of alternate passions, and he

poured forth the spleen of disappointment on his unhappy domestics.

The marchioness, who may now more properly be called Maria de

Vellorno, inflamed, by artful insinuations, the passions already

irritated, and heightened with cruel triumph his resentment towards

Julia and Madame de Menon. She represented, what his feelings too

acutely acknowledged,--that by the obstinate disobedience of the

first, and the machinations of the last, a priest had been enabled to

arrest his authority as a father--to insult the sacred honor of his

nobility--and to overturn at once his proudest schemes of power and

ambition. She declared it her opinion, that the Abate was acquainted

with the place of Julia's present retreat, and upbraided the marquis

with want of spirit in thus submitting to be outwitted by a priest,

and forbearing an appeal to the pope, whose authority would compel the

Abate to restore Julia.

This reproach stung the very soul of the marquis; he felt all its

force, and was at the same time conscious of his inability to obviate

it. The effect of his crimes now fell in severe punishment upon his

own head. The threatened secret, which was no other than the

imprisonment of the marchioness, arrested his arm of vengeance, and

compelled him to submit to insult and disappointment. But the reproach

of Maria sunk deep in his mind; it fomented his pride into redoubled

fury, and he now repelled with disdain the idea of submission.

He revolved the means which might effect his purpose--he saw but

one--this was the death of the marchioness.

The commission of one crime often requires the perpetration of

another. When once we enter on the ladyrinth of vice, we can seldom

return, but are led on, through correspondent mazes, to destruction.

To obviate the effect of his first crime, it was now necessary the

marquis should commit a second, and conceal the imprisonment of the

marchioness by her murder. Himself the only living witness of her

existence, when she was removed, the allegations of the Padre Abate

would by this means be unsupported by any proof, and he might then

boldly appeal to the pope for the restoration of his child.

He mused upon this scheme, and the more he accustomed his mind to

contemplate it, the less scrupulous he became. The crime from which he

would formerly have shrunk, he now surveyed with a steady eye. The

fury of his passions, unaccustomed to resistance, uniting with the

force of what ambition termed necessity--urged him to the deed, and he

determined upon the murder of his wife. The means of effecting his

purpose were easy and various; but as he was not yet so entirely

hardened as to be able to view her dying pangs, and embrue his own

hands in her blood, he chose to dispatch her by means of poison, which

he resolved to mingle in her food. Copyright 2016 - 2024