At length the marquis, who came with food, quitted the cell, and

relocked the door, when Julia stole forth from her hiding-place. The

marchioness again embraced, and wept over her daughter. The narrative

of her sufferings, upon which she now entered, entirely dissipated the

mystery which had so long enveloped the southern buildings of the

castle. 'Oh! why,' said the marchioness, 'is it my task to discover to my

daughter the vices of her father? In relating my sufferings, I reveal

his crimes! It is now about fifteen years, as near as I can guess from

the small means I have of judging, since I entered this horrible

abode. My sorrows, alas! began not here; they commenced at an earlier

period. But it is sufficient to observe, that the passion whence

originated all my misfortunes, was discovered by me long before I

experienced its most baleful effects.

'Seven years had elapsed since my marriage, when the charms of Maria

de Vellorno, a young lady singularly beautiful, inspired the marquis

with a passion as violent as it was irregular. I observed, with deep

and silent anguish, the cruel indifference of my lord towards me, and

the rapid progress of his passion for another. I severely examined my

past conduct, which I am thankful to say presented a retrospect of

only blameless actions; and I endeavoured, by meek submission, and

tender assiduities, to recall that affection which was, alas! gone for

ever. My meek submission was considered as a mark of a servile and

insensible mind; and my tender assiduities, to which his heart no

longer responded, created only disgust, and exalted the proud spirit

it was meant to conciliate.

'The secret grief which this change occasioned, consumed my spirits,

and preyed upon my constitution, till at length a severe illness

threatened my life. I beheld the approach of death with a steady eye,

and even welcomed it as the passport to tranquillity; but it was

destined that I should linger through new scenes of misery.

'One day, which it appears was the paroxysm of my disorder, I sunk in

to a state of total torpidity, in which I lay for several hours. It is

impossible to describe my feelings, when, on recovering, I found

myself in this hideous abode. For some time I doubted my senses, and

afterwards believed that I had quitted this world for another; but I

was not long suffered to continue in my error, the appearance of the

marquis bringing me to a perfect sense of my situation.

'I now understood that I had been conveyed by his direction to this

recess of horror, where it was his will I should remain. My prayers,

my supplications, were ineffectual; the hardness of his heart repelled

my sorrows back upon myself; and as no entreaties could prevail upon

him to inform me where I was, or of his reason for placing me here, I

remained for many years ignorant of my vicinity to the castle, and of

the motive of my confinement. Copyright 2016 - 2024