When Julia had rested, they followed the track before them, and in a

short time arrived at a village, where they obtained security and

refreshment. But Julia, whose mind was occupied with dreadful anxiety for

Ferdinand, became indifferent to all around her. Even the presence of

Hippolitus, which but lately would have raised her from misery to joy,

failed to soothe her distress. The steady and noble attachment of her

brother had sunk deep in her heart, and reflection only aggravated her

affliction. Yet the banditti had steadily persisted in affirming that

he was not concealed in their recesses; and this circumstance, which

threw a deeper shade over the fears of Hippolitus, imparted a

glimmering of hope to the mind of Julia.

A more immediate interest at length forced her mind from this

sorrowful subject. It was necessary to determine upon some line of

conduct, for she was now in an unknown spot, and ignorant of any place

of refuge. The count, who trembled at the dangers which environed her,

and at the probabilities he saw of her being torn from him for ever,

suffered a consideration of them to overcome the dangerous delicacy

which at this mournful period required his silence. He entreated her

to destroy the possibility of separation, by consenting to become his

immediately. He urged that a priest could be easily procured from a

neighboring convent, who would confirm the bonds which had so long

united their hearts, and who would thus at once arrest the destiny

that so long had threatened his hopes.

This proposal, though similar to the one she had before accepted; and

though the certain means of rescuing her from the fate she dreaded,

she now turned from in sorrow and dejection. She loved Hippolitus with

a steady and tender affection, which was still heightened by the

gratitude he claimed as her deliverer; but she considered it a

prophanation of the memory of that brother who had suffered so much

for her sake, to mingle joy with the grief which her uncertainty

concerning him occasioned. She softened her refusal with a tender

grace, that quickly dissipated the jealous doubt arising in the mind

of Hippolitus, and increased his fond admiration of her character.

She desired to retire for a time to some obscure convent, there to

await the issue of the event, which at present involved her in

perplexity and sorrow.

Hippolitus struggled with his feelings and forbore to press farther

the suit on which his happiness, and almost his existence, now

depended. He inquired at the village for a neighbouring convent, and

was told, that there was none within twelve leagues, but that near the

town of Palini, at about that distance, were two. He procured horses;

and leaving the officers to return to Palermo for a stronger guard,

he, accompanied by Julia, entered on the road to Palini.

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