Ferdinand listened attentively for a considerable time, but the

stillness of the place remained undisturbed. It was now evident that

the men had quitted the rock, and he ventured forth to the mouth of

the cave. He surveyed the wilds around, as far as his eye could

penetrate, and distinguished no human being; but in the pauses of the

wind he still thought he heard a sound of distant voices. As he

listened in anxious silence, his eye caught the appearance of a

shadow, which moved upon the ground near where he stood. He started

back within the cave, but in a few minutes again ventured forth. The

shadow remained stationary, but having watched it for some time,

Ferdinand saw it glide along till it disappeared behind a point of

rock. He had now no doubt that the cave was watched, and that it was

one of his late pursuers whose shade he had seen. He returned,

therefore, to Julia, and remained near an hour hid in the deepest

recess of the rock; when, no sound having interrupted the profound

silence of the place, he at length once more ventured to the mouth of

the cave. Again he threw a fearful look around, but discerned no human

form. The soft moon-beam slept upon the dewy landscape, and the solemn

stillness of midnight wrapt the world. Fear heightened to the

fugitives the sublimity of the hour. Ferdinand now led Julia forth,

and they passed silently along the shelving foot of the rocks.

They continued their way without farther interruption; and among the

cliffs, at some distance from the cave, discovered, to their

inexpressible joy, their horses, who having broken their fastenings,

had strayed thither, and had now laid themselves down to rest.

Ferdinand and Julia immediately mounted; and descending to the plains,

took the road that led to a small sea-port at some leagues distant,

whence they could embark for Italy.

They travelled for some hours through gloomy forests of beech and

chesnut; and their way was only faintly illuminated by the moon, which

shed a trembling lustre through the dark foliage, and which was seen

but at intervals, as the passing clouds yielded to the power of her

rays. They reached at length the skirts of the forest. The grey dawn

now appeared, and the chill morning air bit shrewdly. It was with

inexpressible joy that Julia observed the kindling atmosphere; and

soon after the rays of the rising sun touching the tops of the

mountains, whose sides were yet involved in dark vapours.

Her fears dissipated with the darkness.--The sun now appeared amid

clouds of inconceivable splendour; and unveiled a scene which in other

circumstances Julia would have contemplated with rapture. From the

side of the hill, down which they were winding, a vale appeared, from

whence arose wild and lofty mountains, whose steeps were cloathed with

hanging woods, except where here and there a precipice projected its

bold and rugged front. Here, a few half-withered trees hung from the

crevices of the rock, and gave a picturesque wildness to the object;

there, clusters of half-seen cottages, rising from among tufted

groves, embellished the green margin of a stream which meandered in

the bottom, and bore its waves to the blue and distant main.

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