Without effort at concealment I hastened to the vicinity of our

quarters, where I felt sure I should find Kantos Kan. As I neared the

building I became more careful, as I judged, and rightly, that the

place would be guarded. Several men in civilian metal loitered near

the front entrance and in the rear were others. My only means of

reaching, unseen, the upper story where our apartments were situated

was through an adjoining building, and after considerable maneuvering I

managed to attain the roof of a shop several doors away.

Leaping from roof to roof, I soon reached an open window in the

building where I hoped to find the Heliumite, and in another moment I

stood in the room before him. He was alone and showed no surprise at

my coming, saying he had expected me much earlier, as my tour of duty

must have ended some time since.

I saw that he knew nothing of the events of the day at the palace, and

when I had enlightened him he was all excitement. The news that Dejah

Thoris had promised her hand to Sab Than filled him with dismay.

"It cannot be," he exclaimed. "It is impossible! Why no man in all

Helium but would prefer death to the selling of our loved princess to

the ruling house of Zodanga. She must have lost her mind to have

assented to such an atrocious bargain. You, who do not know how we of

Helium love the members of our ruling house, cannot appreciate the

horror with which I contemplate such an unholy alliance."

"What can be done, John Carter?" he continued. "You are a resourceful

man. Can you not think of some way to save Helium from this disgrace?"

"If I can come within sword's reach of Sab Than," I answered, "I can

solve the difficulty in so far as Helium is concerned, but for personal

reasons I would prefer that another struck the blow that frees Dejah


Kantos Kan eyed me narrowly before he spoke.

"You love her!" he said. "Does she know it?"

"She knows it, Kantos Kan, and repulses me only because she is promised

to Sab Than."

The splendid fellow sprang to his feet, and grasping me by the shoulder

raised his sword on high, exclaiming: "And had the choice been left to me I could not have chosen a more

fitting mate for the first princess of Barsoom. Here is my hand upon

your shoulder, John Carter, and my word that Sab Than shall go out at

the point of my sword for the sake of my love for Helium, for Dejah

Thoris, and for you. This very night I shall try to reach his quarters

in the palace."

"How?" I asked. "You are strongly guarded and a quadruple force

patrols the sky."

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