"He's been here for six months, and in those six months, he's been completely silent. However, he acts out a scene everyday. When he's not acting, he's completely motionless. He draws pictures sometimes of fire and millions of people, with one man leading them to terrible fates such as burning and freezing." The nurse said to the new doctor, handing him the drawn pictures.

"And what's his name?"

"Derick Lombasto. He had been through a breakdown while getting his book published seven months ago. He snapped after having visions of Hell, or the underworld, if you will. He murdered his girlfriend. He tried to murder his wife." The nurse explained.

The doctor looked surprised. "He had a wife and a girlfriend?"

"It's all in his file. The whole, sordid story." The nurse pointed to the doctor's hands.

The doctor nodded and wrote a few words in his notepad. He opened Derick's file. "His book is a bestseller." The doctor commented.

"Yes. He claims the devil himself had gotten it published."

The doctor chuckled. "No wonder why he's in here. Am I able to speak to his wife?"

"Well, the previous doctor who took Mr. Lombasto's case quit because of her. He wouldn't give an explanation other than, 'It's that woman.' I wouldn't recommend it."

"I'm here to help this man, I will do what it takes."

The nurse nodded. "Okay, but be warned. The woman is...difficult."

"Please set up an appointment."

"Yes, doctor." The nurse left the doctor alone with Derick.

"Hello, Derick. How are you today? I'm Dr. Staetman."

"Doctor, why do you insist on talking about me like I'm not here?"

Dr. Staetman looked up from writing in his notepad in astonishment. "I thought you couldn't talk?"

Derick shook his head. "I talk when I want to. It's just that no one in this hospital is worth talking to. Except you, doctor. I find you extremely interesting."

"And I , you." The doctor replied as he jotted in his notepad.

"May I see my file?" Derick asked.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. I've heard that this is a new file. Put together after you destroyed the first one in a fire that you somehow managed to make."

"Tou'ché." Derick replied.

Dr. Staetman put his pen and notepad in the pocket of his white lab coat. He knew it was cliché to wear a white lab coat, but that was why he wanted to become a doctor. He felt important wearing it.

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