“Chief Okrika on the line, Is that Gladys?”

Gladys took the phone away from her ear and looked at it before putting it back. She had hoped it would be Edward calling with another line. But Chief Okrika of all people, and just after his wife‘s visit? “Good afternoon, Chief. How may I help you?”

“There are several ways you can help me...”

Gladys interrupted, “First, how did you get my number?

After the initial reaction of wondering if the call was from Edward, she was overtaken by anger. What had she done to these people? More important, was Edward really telling her the truth, could it be possible that the venom the Okrikas harbored against him was truly unfounded? She wasn‘t happy to be caught in the middle.

“My dear girl, you may not know it but details like that can be easily purchased in Lagos…”

“Is this the same way your wife knew to come and harass me at Edward‘s place today?”

“Did you say my wife came to see you?”

“Yes and I didn‘t appreciate it one bit,” Gladys replied.

“I didn‘t know about that but Edward‘s address is not a secret, one can find it out if they want. You wouldn‘t know since you‘re a Johnny Just Come, JJC.” He laughed at his own joke.

“Well your wife had so many things to tell me half of which I think she just made up…”

He interrupted with another noisy laugh. When he spoke, the laughter did not inflect his voice. “I can believe that, yes, I can believe that. But there were some truths too weren‘t they? I also heard that the shares Edward gave to you have been sold to his rivals and he left the house in anger when he found out. Is that not so?”

Gladys remained silent. It still baffled her how this couple knew all they did.

Chief Okrika continued, “Anyway I like you so I want us to talk about this problem you have with Edward. Let‘s see if there‘s a way to get your shares back from the possible acquirers of Edward‘s company. I hear he‘s about to lose even his place on the board.”

“Have you spoken with him about it?” Gladys asked tongue in cheek. How dare this stranger toy with her like this?

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