and move on to someone else. But he stayed focused and

slowly closed the distance between them. Every molecule in

her body vibrated, aroused by the energy of his heated eyes.

Then, like a flower bursting forth from the spring soil, her

smile began to bloom. Tarzan's smile also grew wider, and

he continued his approach. Rebecca's heart was already still.

Now she stopped breathing as well.

In an instant, the spell was broken. Bubbles threw her

trampy body right in Tarzan's path, flashing her tiny gift

wrapping. "Well hello! Looking for someone?" She slithered

around and even gave out a little Marilyn Monroe squeal.

I have had enough of you. Rebecca wanted to rip the

clothes off her, but Bubbles would probably like that. She

scowled and took a few steps back to get out of the way.

These two were in a league of their own, and Rebecca didn't

want any of their flying hormones to get on her dress.

Tarzan regarded Bubbles, and his eyes took in the

terrain. "Possibly. . ."

Rebecca deflated. He was hooked, his attention now

fully on the undulating body in front of him.

Bubbles ran her hand up his arm, shamelessly attacking

him. "Did you know I was a bridesmaid yesterday?" This

seemed to be her primary topic of conversation tonight.

Bubbles pointed her chin at Rebecca and even Alien

Girl who had drifted over. "In fact, you've got all three

bridesmaids here." She was clearly unthreatened by the

presence of other women-none of them were as scantily

dressed as her.

She pointed to Alien Girl's offensive pink dress. "If you'd

been at the wedding, you would have seen this outfit on all

of us." She turned her full frontal charm back on him. "But

you weren't, I'm sure. I would have remembered someone as

studly as you."

Can she be any more transparent? Tarzan seemed to

ignore the slobbering compliment and gave Rebecca a

partial smile, laced with a touch of smirk. "A bridesmaid,

eh? Too bad they made you wear that dress. Clashes with

your amazing red hair."

Rebecca's eyes shot wide open. Did he really just say

that? A man who had color sense? Something was wrong

with this picture. There had to be a catch. Rebecca stood

there and stared, too flustered to think of something to say.

Bubbles played her eyes from Tarzan to Rebecca and

back again, as though realizing that his focus was

elsewhere. She tugged on his arm and jumped between

them. "I'm Suzanne. Want to dance?"

He pulled back to look at her, his smile slightly less

bright, but still strong. "Ah, Suzanne, of course. I believe Copyright 2016 - 2025