Sunday dawned a sunny hot July day. Their telephone conversation last night concluded with the decision that Connie would pick her up at the end of the drive today at 11:30 am. They planned to have a birthday lunch and then Connie would take her over to get the car. She dressed and arrived in the kitchen to find everyone already at the table eating. Since they were all dressed up, she assumed they were going to church together. Instantly, access to the building was uppermost on her mind.

Yancey eyed her blue sundress critically. Judging by his expression, he probably thought it was provocative. After last night, she had decided to keep things professional between them. She was an open book to him and he was obsessed with the idea of reading it. Neither of them was looking for a mate. It simply happened that they were attracted to each other. Ahead of her lay college and a possible career in journalism. Ahead of him was the possibility of a jail sentence. If Len was right, it might be a lifetime of hiding. She pulled out a chair.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you all would be up so early. I was planning on fixing breakfast. Are you all going to church this morning?"

Yancey cleared his throat. "They are. I have an appointment. I thought you might want to go with Mom and Tammy."

"It sounds good, but I'm supposed to meet Connie at noon."

"I guess that would be for your birthday."

"Yes, among other things."

Mrs. Giddon glanced at Yancey. "You didn't tell us it was her birthday." Her attention switched to Lisa and she smiled. "Happy Birthday." She looked uncomfortable. "I wish you had told me."

Lisa glanced at Yancey. "I wish Mr. Giddon had not."

Yancey gave her a stern look. "Yancey," he corrected, "and I didn't know it was a secret."

Lisa sat down and accepted the bowl full of scrambled eggs Sarah passed to her.

"It wasn't a secret. I simply didn't want your mother to feel uncomfortable."

He glanced at his mother and colored a little. "Oh."

Touché'! She glanced up in time to see his mother give him a knowing look. She looked down at her plate before they discovered they had been observed. What was that all about? Yancey stood. "Well, I'd better get going." He motioned to Lisa with a quick beaconing of the hand. "Come here a minute." Copyright 2016 - 2024