"It's fascinating!" She breathed. "Do you suppose this is what it looked like when the first settlers found it?"

"Probably." He was studying the mountain ranges intently. "A body could get lost out here and never be found."

At first she nodded agreement, and then a cold feeling clutched at her heart. Was he warning her again? "But people are out here all the time with ATV's, aren't they? I mean, there are so many trails."

He nodded. "Hunters, mostly."

She tucked her suspicions back into a corner of her mind. Nothing was going to ruin this magnificent day. "This area is so full of wildlife."

He smiled. "No more so than the area round the house. When you're riding an ATV you can cover more territory, and the animals have grown used to the sound of them. They seem to know man isn't a threat until the engine is shut off. You'd see less wildlife if you were walking - making more frightening noises to the animals."

"Do you suppose they don't smell you coming so quickly?"

"Could be." He studied her face with amused eyes. "Tell me the truth now, aren't you enjoying the ride?"

She laughed softly. "Yes, I'm enjoying it. How far do you think we've traveled?"

He shrugged. "As the crow flies, about seven miles, but as the old saying goes, a crow can't fly through rock. By the time you count the hills, hollows and turns, it's closer to ten. He laced his fingers behind his neck and stretched in a way that made his upper torso ripple with muscular activity.

She turned away, embarrassed by the rush of excitement the action triggered. She rubbed her lumbar area, vaguely aware of the pain that riding was causing. There was a soft step behind her, and then his hands were on her waist, his thumbs nimbly working the tense muscles. His touch was like an electric shock, forcing her heart to pound. His hands worked up her back moving gradually as he massaged every inch of the muscles on either side of her spine. It was both relaxing and exciting. Finally his big hands left her waist and moved to her shoulders, working out the stiffness in them, and then on to the back of her neck. When his fingers stopped their work, they lingered. "Better?" he asked, his voice gentle and warm.

"Yes. Where did you learn to do that?" She didn't care; the purpose of the question was to get her mind on something besides his warm hands resting on her shoulders.

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