She changed the tip and wrote "Happy Birthday Dad!" on the top of the cake. After adding a bottom border, she changed to the red icing. Obviously Mrs. Anderson had something in mind and it wouldn't have been hearts or flowers. She pondered a few minutes and then smiled. Of course, the little red truck Dad had been drooling over. She carefully drew the outline of a truck around the words on the top. On the sides of the cake, she drew the Toyota emblem, finishing up with some scrolls.

After cleaning up the counter, she opened the refrigerator. Food was more a distraction than a desire. She let the door shut without removing anything. Strange, it had never seemed lonely here before. A hollow empty feeling engulfed her, resurrecting Nicks face in the car window. She could almost hear his voice calling "Litha." A guilty conscience, no doubt. Still, that nagging feeling in her stomach didn't go away. Maybe Nick and Angela would like to go with her to visit the old place in the mountains after she graduated. Fayetteville was where her family had decided she would go to college - close to them and safe, but she longed for those layered mountain ranges where wildlife abounded. This part of Arkansas had a mild climate, winter and summer. A few weeks wouldn't mean the difference in paying for college, and she could use the time to relax.

Back in the living room, she pointed the remote control at the television, jumping through a few channels before giving up. Leaning her head back, she forced the soft chair into a reclining position. It was comfortable - too comfortable. She scrambled out of the chair. Sleep meant one thing - nightmares.

She was stacking bowls on the table for ice cream and cake when lights turned into the drive. The vehicle turned hesitantly and she idly wondered if Dad was letting Angela drive again. As she pulled out the flatware drawer, the doorbell rang. For a moment she stared at the door, her heart racing. Her first thought was Allen. But of course, that wasn't possible. He was still in jail. She crossed the living room and paused at the door, looking through the peep hole. Her heart skipped a beat and then began to pound in her ears. A police officer! So they did suspect her. She straightened her hair and collected her thoughts before opening the door.

For a moment they stared at each other. Len Quint without a smile was almost unrecognizable. How embarrassing it must be for him.

Another figure emerged from the night to stand beside Len. Howard. So they were going to question her. Two thoughts crossed her mind simultaneously. She was glad Howard was there and that her family wasn't. It would be so disappointing for them. Copyright 2016 - 2024