He shrugged. "Let me go lock the shop."

But he locked it before he left. She glanced down the trail and nodded. "Alright."

She turned around and walked three steps before it hit her. Dang! He did it again. Her face felt hot and cold by turns and she didn't have enough saliva to swallow. She wasn't supposed to know about the building. And now she had put herself in a position where she would be alone with him in the car. She forced herself to walk, not run, back to the house. Once inside, she raced to her room and changed her shirt. Grabbing her cell phone, she called Connie's number. After several rings, it went to the message. "Connie, Lisa. Listen, I think he knows I saw something. He's going to take me to where we left my car last night." She glanced out the window and saw Yancey was almost to the house. "I'm scared." She closed the cell phone and stuck it in her pocket as Yancey walked in the door.

He glanced down at her pocket. "Are you ready to go?"

Trying to squelch the fear in her voice, she only nodded.

"Is something wrong?"

A simple shake of the head obviously didn't satisfy him. He studied her face for a moment, probably finding it a virtual roadmap. Finally he sighed.

"Look, Lisa. You don't have any reason to be afraid of me. I won't hurt you."

She met his scrutinizing gaze. Yep, a roadmap. Was there nothing she could do that didn't give her emotions and everything else away? She walked by him to the car, mustering up a voice that approached normal. "I'm not afraid of you."

They were several miles down the road before either of them spoke. Finally she broke the silence. "Are you angry with me?"

He glanced at her. "About what?"

So he was still playing mind games. Fine, she could play too. "About last night."

"No. What made you think that?"

"You're so quiet."

"I've got a lot on my mind." He maneuvered the car around the sharp turn.

The cliff and surrounding mountains were now behind them. She let a breath out slowly. It occurred to her that he might push her off it.

The cell phone rang, its jangling tune startling her out of her thoughts. She dug it out of her pocket and opened it.


"Lisa? This is Connie."

"Oh, Connie. We're on the way to get my car." She described where it was.

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