Morning dawned with low-hanging clouds. The national weather forecast on TV was calling for light snow in Northwest Arkansas. Even so, everyone was anxious to get back home.

Carmen and Destiny dressed mother/daughter style in red/green/yellow plaid blouses and hunter green jeans. She combed Destiny’s hair into pig tails, and then on impulse, did the same with hers. Alex wore a light blue sweater that accentuated his dark complexion and Jonathan was dressed likewise. She grinned up at Alex as they left the room to go downstairs for breakfast.

His eyes twinkled with humor and the dimple appeared. He slapped her backside playfully as she walked out the door ahead of him.

“Hey, Heidi. You look cute like that.”

“Me too?” Destiny asked.

He scooped her up. “Definitely.”

Breakfast was a quiet meal, with Dulce absent and Señor Medena lost in thought. Alondra and Felipa remained focused on their plates. Carmen glanced up at Alex and he shrugged. Everyone probably knew about the incident with Dulce last night.

After breakfast they went upstairs to watch a children’s movie on the television with Destiny and Jonathan. Fortunately, there was no opportunity to discuss the situation with the children present.

The morning passed in a pleasant way and soon it was time to leave. Señor Medena said goodbye to them at the house, but Alondra and Felipa rode with them in the Limousine to the airport. Alex was in a good mood and it was a pleasant trip – until Felipa made a comment about Tessa’s visit the night before.

Carmen stiffened and looked up at Alex, but he found something interesting outside to look at. Felipa looked like she wanted to eat the words.

“What did she want?” Carmen asked Alex.

“Nothing,” he said without looking at her. “I guess she just wanted to say goodbye.”

It must have taken a long time to say good-bye. That wasn’t fair. They probably had a lot to discuss and most likely were not alone. In fact, maybe that was why Dulce didn’t come to breakfast. Had they all been arguing? That thought ushered in another. How did Dulce react when he nearly married Tessa? On the other hand, maybe Tessa got cold feet when she realized how persistent Dulce would be. Was it possible for Alex to remain ignorant of that situation?

One side of her wanted to press on until she got some answers. The other side knew it would be futile and rude in front of everyone. They could discuss it privately when they got home.

She let the subject drop. Even so, she caught Alex watching her with a strange expression several times. Maybe he was wondering when the other shoe would fall. It served him right after his display yesterday. Let him wonder what she would do when they got home.

Outside of that remark, the ride to the airport was uneventful and they said their goodbyes to Alondra and Felipa, who stayed until they were ready to board the plane. Hopefully they would come visit sometime.

It was amazing how things returned to normal so quickly when they got on the plane. Jonathan was staring out the window and Alex was playing with Destiny. He was in his element now. For some reason she had always thought Alex would adjust quickly to any lifestyle. He had the background and the education, but he obviously didn’t have the inclination to adjust to the one being forced on him.

At some point she fell asleep. Later, the jolting of the plane awakened her with a start.

Alex smiled at her. “It’s alright, sweetheart. We’re running into a little turbulence from the storm.”

“Storm?” she asked.

“The snow storm,” he responded.

“Oh,” she said. “Are we getting close?”

At his nod, she leaned back in her seat. If he thought everything was normal, then it probably was.

Within a few minutes the plane was dipping and rising in a way that made her stomach roll uncomfortably. It seemed like only a few seconds before the uncomfortable feeling became nausea.

She put a hand to her mouth and glanced around for something to be sick in.

Alex instantly provided a little white bag and she made use of it. An empty stomach did little to relieve her misery, though. Alex stroked her hair and spoke to her softly, encouraging her to close her eyes and relax. The feel of his warm fingers on her temple was comforting. Alex would make the misery go away.

Paper rattled and then something was placed on the skin under her ear. She opened her eyes to find his concerned face over her.

He smiled. “It’s a Dramamine patch. I should have put one on you before you got on the plane, but maybe it will help.”

The nausea persisted for a while, but was eventually lost in sleep.

The next thing she knew, Alex was shaking her awake and telling her they were changing planes. They must be in Tulsa.

After what seemed like a short wait, they boarded another plane. She fell asleep again and didn’t wake until they reached NXA in Arkansas. Alex collected their luggage and had it loaded in the car. Carmen was so groggy that the icy wind failed to keep her awake. The car warmed quickly and she fell asleep again.

She was faintly aware when they reached home and Alex carried her to their bed. It felt so good to be home. When he pulled the covers over her, she stretched out and fell asleep again. Once she woke when something tugged under her ear.

“There, you don’t need that now,” Alex said gently.

She fell asleep again when he left the room. When she woke again, the room was dark. She lay for a moment, trying to identify a sound. When the bed sagged on the other side, she realized the sound was Alex changing into his night clothes.

She rolled toward him as he lay down and sighed contentedly as she snuggled against him. The world was on an even keel now. They were home and together.

Alex sat up and leaned over her, speaking softy in a voice that was little more than a whisper.

“Carmen, are you awake?”

“Barely,” she whispered.

At the moment, all she wanted was to be snuggled close. If his tone was any indication, he wanted more.

He kissed her forehead. “It’s good to be home,” he whispered, “with the people who mean the most to me.”

He slid an arm under her and gently took her hand in his, planting a warm moist kiss in the center of the palm. The aroma of cologne surrounded him and his breath smelled like he had recently brushed his teeth.

She hadn’t brushed or rinsed her mouth out since being sick on the plane. Her breath must be atrocious. She turned her face away from him.

“I need to go to the bathroom.”

He kissed her neck. “Right now?”

He unbuttoned her blouse and slid the bra strap down, softly kissing her shoulder. His lips worked their way down the swell of her breast while he unhooked her bra.

Her heart lurched painfully into a beating frenzy. Now fully awake, the interruption of her sleep became a familiar stir of desire. How did he always manage to do that?

“My breath is bad,” she said, squirming in his arms.

There was a moment of silence, but he didn’t release her. Finally he spoke, his voice controlled.

“Then I won’t kiss you on the mouth.”

For some reason it struck her funny and she giggled.

He released her, his tone injured.

“All right. Go brush your teeth – and whatever else you need to do.”

She crawled out of bed, snapping on the light as her stocking feet hit the floor.

He was up on one elbow, his attention fixed on her open blouse.

“I don’t know why you didn’t just undress me when you put me in bed,” she said. Copyright 2016 - 2024