I determined to investigate. It would not do to wander out of my way

with my present encumbrance. It was now somewhat after noon; the

country people were eating their dinners or engaged about their barns;

there was nobody upon the road. At some distance ahead of me was a

small house standing well back behind a little group of trees, and I

decided to go there and make inquiries. And as it would not do at all

to throw a rural establishment into a state of wild confusion by

leading a bear up to its door, I conducted Orso to the side of the

road and chained him to a fence-post. He was perfectly satisfied and

lay down, his nose upon his fore-paws.

I found three women in the little house. They were in a side kitchen

eating their dinner, and I wondered what the bear would have done if

he had smelled that dinner. They told me that I was not on the main

road, and would have to go back more than half a mile in order to

regain it.

When I was out on the road again I said to myself that if I could

possibly make Orso step along at a little more lively pace I might get

to the hotel in time for a very late luncheon, and I was beginning to

think that I had not been wise in declining portable refreshment, when

I heard a noise ahead of me. At a considerable distance along the

road, and not far from where I had left the bear, I saw a horse

attached to a vehicle approaching me at a furious speed. He was

running away! The truth flashed upon me--he had been frightened by


I ran a few steps towards the approaching horse. His head was high in

the air, and the vehicle swayed from side to side. It was a tall

affair with two wheels, and on the high seat sat a lady vainly tugging

at the reins. My heart sank. What dreadful thing had I done!

I stood in the middle of the road. It seemed but a few seconds before

the horse was upon me. He swerved to one side, but I was ready for

that. I dashed at his bridle, but caught the end of his cumbrous bit

in my right hand. I leaned forward with all the strength that dwelt in

my muscles and nerves. The horse's glaring eye was over my face, and I

felt the round end of a shaft rise up under my arm. A pair of

outstretched forelegs slid past me. I saw the end of a banged tail

switching in the dust. The horse was on his haunches. He was stopped.

Before I had time to recover an erect attitude and to let up the horse

the occupant of the vehicle was on the ground She had skipped down

with wonderful alacrity on the side opposite to me, and was coming

round by the back of the cart. The horse was now standing on his four

legs, trembling in every fibre, and with eyes that were still wild and

staring. Holding him firmly, I faced the lady as she stopped near me.

She was a young woman in a jaunty summer costume and a round straw

hat. She did not seem to be quite mistress of herself; she was not

pale, but perhaps that was because her face was somewhat browned by

the sun, but her step was not steady, and she breathed hard. Under

ordinary circumstances she would have been assisted to the side of the

road, where she might sit down and recover herself, and have water

brought to her. But I could do nothing of that sort. I could not leave

that shivering horse.

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