Kelsey had also sniffed out gun ppwder and other explosive ingredients. They were hidden in the basement. Nobody knew how they got there The door to the tunnel had been opened but by whom Henry had no ideal. He hoped that was it but his gut instinct told him there was more laying around to be used for the group's cause., They agreed it was to reap havoc..


They were no closer to finding out what that group was up to. Henry visited his brother the chaplain at the luthern chuch just over the bridge that seperated the business section of town from the residental section and confided in him over a cup of coffee. His brother warned him to be very careful, especially if the group was terrorist. They don't care who they kill.


The morning of the parade the hotel guests and staff had breakfast and headed out to enjoy the sights except the group up on the tenth floor. Will met Henry and ate breakfast, drank coffee and had a glass of orange juice. That was the last thing either of them remembered They were waken by what sounded like gunshot but louder and it caused the ground to shake. They found themselves locked in one of the hotel's caged storage containers in the basement .

Kelsey was on the outside of the container looking at them. They soon realize that she also had been knocked out and was just wakening up also. Henry saw the set of keys hanging on the wall. He motioned to the keys and commanded Kelsey to fetch keys.They heard the sounds of three more bombs going off .in different directions. Kelsey went to the wall but wasn't sure what she was suppose to fetch Copyright 2016 - 2025