​Addison called her lawyer and he was delighted to hear from her and was intrigued with her ever since they attended college together. He agreed to meeting the three women that evening at her place. Mackenzie and Brooklyn arrived early to help Addison to fix appiteizers. They fixed shredded barbecued beef on fried bruschetta, white bean dip served with viggies, trio of chees balls and crackers and white tortilla chips served with Merlot .

​After eating and drinking another glass of Merlot they discussed strating a new car business.Altogether the three young ladies had a cool twelve billion to start their business. MacKenzie had a good sized building. It was a gift from her uncle. It was already set up as a car manufactuer company.Addison's lawyer advise her to call the state's department of labor to inspect the equipment.

The labor department inspection was meticulous. The inspection took longer then what the young women expected but the out come was what they were hoping for. With the passing inspection they saw nothing but a green light ahead. Mackenzie showed her grandfather sketches of different vehicles that she paid for. Her father walked in and saw the sketches.

The next day the young women recieved a letter in the mail summoning them into court for stealing the diagrams of her father's company. That broke Mackenzie's heart to be accused of that. She had really wanted her father and grandfather's approval. Her grandfather and father had started the Chevy business from the ground up. They had the young man do new sketches to turn into their lawyer for submission. This time it was Addison's family who subpoened them to court for the same thing.Addison Dodd's family owned the Dodge Car Company. Brooklyn had a family meeting and showed them the third set of sketches to her father's lawyers and again she was told that if they proceed the Ford company would take them to court also.

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