The waitress thought she's wanting the survey and probably well leave and not come back but instead Makenzie suggested the dish would go good with either ribs or even some of their seafood items such as lobster and shrimp dish or even their salmon. They thanked her for her input. She then took a selfie and put it on her facebook site.

Ever since then it has been a money making item for the hotel's restaurant and her also since she also is an heir to that hotel on her mother's side of the family.After they ate Makenzie gave them a business pad on a clip board. she explained what she wanted to start. Both Addison and Brookly had been thinking the same thing. Each of them wrote three names down.

One of them had written down Come out Chevrolet, Make dod Chev, no For Chev. Another one wrote Working Dod For Chev ,Make add Brook, and Brooke Add M, Makenzie wrote down For Brook Addi, Brook Addie For. Her last suggestion was The Chevolyn Ford Company. They went through Addison's list of names. not one name stood out. Again with Brooklyn' list.

Makenzie's list was the only one left. Her first name got all three shaking their heads no in unity. The same as she read the second name on her list. The third name was The Chevolyn Ford Company. All three of them repeated the name and smiled while nodding their heads in a yes jesture. Makenzie said we're one step closer to starting our company Copyright 2016 - 2025