Are you sure you’re alright darling?’

Sarah glared at her mother. ‘I’ve just lost my job Mum, of courseI’m not bloody alright!’

‘You’ll find something else love - there’s loads of accountancy jobs out there.’

‘Yes Dad and a string of about a million applicants as well! My job isn’t selective, I’m not chartered or anything!’

‘Now! Now! You won’t get anywhere with thatattitude will you?’

‘It’s alright darling - we’ll help.’

‘I don’t see how Mum - anyway - remind me why you wanted me round here?’ At that, her parents exchanged a somewhat guilty glance. ‘What’s happened?’

‘Well...It’s to do with your sister.’

At that, Sarah’s heart leapt - purely by coincidence - her sister had been dating her boss’s younger brother, maybe something had happened - maybe they had split up and she was coming home. ‘Is she alright?’

‘Well let’s just wait until they arrive shall we?’


Sarah had just finished setting the table when she heard the doorbell go - she heard her mother greet them enthusiastically and then she came through.

‘Hi sis!’

Sarah smiled, she’d always admired her elder sister - so focussed - she had started out has having a passion for photography - she had met her boyfriend shortly after Sarah had started working at the company - that was how they had met - Symone had turned up one day to take her out for lunch and Harry had been there and the rest was - as they say - was history; that had been nearly four years ago, but now, something had happened, and, the way she was feeling - she selfishly hoped they were splitting up - not because she was resentful, but because, at that precise moment, she didn’t particularly feel like being anywhere near that family at the moment. Copyright 2016 - 2025