She just stared at him, unable to process what he was saying to her.

‘I-I’m sorry - could you just repeat that?’

‘You heard me.’

‘Yes I heardyou - I’m just not entirelysure I understood you correctly.’

‘Look, Sarah, you’re a brilliant accountant-’

‘Well obviously not good enough!’

‘- You’re a brilliant accountant and a great asset to this company.’

‘Oh please! You’re making me blush!’ She shot back acidly.

‘But we have to count the costs - make some sacrifices in the current climate’

‘Why not start with those two at reception? All they do is chat about their dogs and paint their nails!’

He looked at her. ‘Sarah I’m sorry, if there was any other way but the costs just don’t add up.’

‘Fine! I take it that you’ll give me a reference?’

‘Of course! The best!’

She stood up and walked away, not even bothering to shake hands.

He watched her go and breathed out slowly, shaking his head - he reached for his phone. Copyright 2016 - 2025