It took her a few seconds to go through the sales tickets and yes his name was Dr. Frank Stein from the East coast of the United states. Finally a solid piece of intell. The man had paid in cash. She had no oter information for him. He thanked her for her help.He contacted his home office on the in Washington DC and in no time the number of Dr. Frank Steins on the east coast. The CiA tracked down the hospital in NYC as the last hospital he was associated with. Agents Wilkson and Slater went to the hospital. The hospital's personnel office told them that he had been given a choice of either resigning or being fored.

​ After hours he was doing research of some kind in their lab dealing with Nucealar medicene but stated that he was a genis in his own right. They were taken to a glass room where they saw the biggest computer of their lifetime. On the door ot read Dr. Frank Stein The office informed them the reason they were going to let him go was after he lost his wife and children in a fire at the family's home he lost it. He started talking weird stuff of conspiracy theories and blame the government for his family's deaths.Upon further conversation the agents learned that he was looking into buying one of the abadon North Brothern Islands. Copyright 2016 - 2025