The answer was there are 661,400 Dr. Franks in the United States. He then asked how man Dr. Franks could be excluded without checking them all out. He knew the perpetrator was a male so he asked how many were women. He found out that there were 21,685 female doctors leaving only 639,715 males doctors to check out. During further investigation he realized he could eliminate more if he could find out the number of male Dr. Franks was in the state of California.He decided to check to see if a Dr. Frank had checked into Alcatraz island with a real estate agency.

Several real estate agencies had been burned out by the wildfires bu but not in San Franciico in the Northern California. He started contacting the real estate agencies in San Franciso He finanally got ahold of an agency that did remember the man but couldn't tell them exactly when he was in the agency or his name..He would have to wait while their log books could be gone over. the last six months unless one of their receptionist remembered him The agent he talked to could remembered he lived somewhere east of California. That meant anywhere in rhe United States exact for Washington and Oregon.

That information was useless to him. He needed some solid intell and sooner the better The next day he recieved a call from one of the agencies receptionist and was informed she had talked to that particular person but thought his last name was Stein. He wanted to pull his hair out but then remembered one of the security forces in one of the shop owners on one of the island thought the man's name was either Dr. Franks or Stein.He took a chance and called that shop owner. The shop owner's wife nswered the phone and when he told her why he was calling. She said she remembered that man and had written down his name . Copyright 2016 - 2025