The government was taking away the farmers lively hood and selling it to foreigners that was coming into the midwest from other parts of the country and overseas. It seemed like everyone at the meeting had heard about one conspiracy story but had no proof except for Maggie. People who was watching the news called their sound off line complaining about losing their monthly payments. The station's viewers also wish them good luck and thanked them for their good performance and even said they would miss seeing them nightly..

​ Maggie suggested to the other employees that if you move out of these six states or closer to the other surrounding states you probably would be alright. Her boss asked her where she wa going. She told him she would be going to the family's home in Wait with her family. It was close enough to the North line that Sam should be able to find employement.That Friday the station held their last office party. The The station manager past out their paychecks with a little bonus in it. He wished them all good luck in finding employement.

​ He told them that his family was moving to Denver where he had a job offer. Sam didn't have time to get a chauffers license. After her last shift at the station she went home to finish packing. It took till dinner to finish packing Sam's and her's things. The trucks pulled up early the next morning to load the family's furniture. The family put boxes and the baby furniture into the luggage compartment of the commerical charter bus they had bought to move everyone to Wait. One of Sam's good friends had a chauffeur license and would drive the bus for the family. Copyright 2016 - 2025