The next day Maggie was going to tell her boss about the ten days notice when her boss called an all staff meeting telling them that the station was closing down at the end of the month. He said if anyone needed to leave before that there would be a schedule on the bulletin board with their names on it then a space that stated last day the employee would be working.

​ During the luncheon meeting thry were telling each other about conspiracies that was ravaging in the area. One employee brought up the conspiracy about the NFL and other sporting teams in the midwest part of the country didn't deserve a first class team. He went on to tell the rest of the group that only the teams rast of the Mississippi River, South of Oklahoma and Arkansas, West of Kansas and Nebraska, and North of Nebraska and Iowa.were first rated teams and any teams in those six states were second grade teams.

​ Maggie told them that she had heard the same conspiracy but went a little further stating that she had seen in writing from a person in the Social Security office that seniors recieving allotments in those six states would be losing their allotment payments unless they went into a nursing facility.She remembered the letter in her handbag and showed them the letter.Maggie claimed that it wasn't just the Social Security Administration but also the big banks and wall street CEO's and the senators and members of the congress genociding citizens of the midwest including the farmers. Copyright 2016 - 2025