business partner and had once in awhile supected something else but had not caught them in the actual act so it blindsided her. She

​also testified that they were divorced now but in that process found out the affair had been going on for some time and that he had a child from that affair.

​ During the two weeks the overrwhelming evidence kept piling up and it was coming to a climax and the judge ruled in favor of the FBI so Special Under Cover

​agent only known as The Cigarette Man gave his testimony that he arrived in Chicago with agents Cully and Caiulder and met up with the South Side Outfit where

​he recieved an envelope containing Twenty thousand dollars in it. He identified the envelope that had the mayor's ex husband finger prints on it as the envelope

​ The jury convened for three days going over the envidence came back with guilty verdict of hiring some body to kill his wife. He was sentenced twenty years in a state penn.

With the trial finally over all of the agents went back to Washington,DC. Copyright 2016 - 2025