The Mayor's husband now ex husband trial was set for the week before the election. There was so much attention that the FBI had several of their agents being cakked as witnesses.

First to be called as a witness for the prosecution was Agent Cully where she desribbed that she was assigned as the Mayor's as

​her personal assistant and body guard. As her assistant she had witnessed her husband recieving calls from several men including the South Side Outfit.

Agent Caulder explained how he was assigned as a reporter pretending to report on the ongoing election and saw the mayor's ex husband handing over an

​ envelope to one of the South Side Outfit's men who turned it over as payment for the hit. Then Agent in charge of the investigation Mr. Kender explained that an under cover agent was

used to be the hitman and even the entire South Side Outfit had been killed there was other cases that if the true identity of the under cove​agent was known that his life and his relatives could be in danger. The juge setting over the case continued the tria but postponed that paarticular witness testimonyl for two weeks when he

would give his decision on if the under cover agent could be disguised.

​ Then it was the mayor's turn. She testified that she had no idea that her husband had taken out a insurance policy on her and had laid claim that his mistress was a lawyer for one of his Copyright 2016 - 2025