Made me lunge that sea across.

Chance I had to see Ravan

Glad I met my Rama’s wife.

It’s me Rama’s own Hanuman

Treat me as thine own servant.

Know am none but Vayu’s son

Trust that Rama yearns for thee.

Lakshman as is wont of his

Is at Rama’s beck and call.

Sent me Sugreev to Lanka

In the service of thy Lord.

At the news of thy kidnap

Sunk our vanar folk in grief.

Break I when the news to them

Know they all would jump for joy.

Hears as Rama thou are sad

Won’t he itch to take thee soon?

Know am but the son born to

Anjana Devi queen of queens.

Married though she king Kesar

Womb hers was by Vayu blessed.

Valour of mine ’n conduct

Spread far ’n wide fame of mine.

Brought I thee as good tidings

Time thee look for happy times.

Ardour that she found in him

Made then Seetha trust Hanuman.

With the change of her mind thus

Rolled on her cheeks tears of joy.

With that bright look on her face

Shone she like a full moon then

Freshly out of grand eclipse.

Knowing that he won her trust

Spoke then Hanuman to her thus:

It’s time that I now start moving

Pray tell whatever in thy mind

Treat I would as Rama’s word.

Being none but Wind God’s son

Strength I have to fly all worlds. Copyright 2016 - 2025