Recall how thee threw jewels

From the skies of Kishkindha.

Showed we them all to thy man

Told we know not who snared thee.

How the sound of that landing

Still rings fresh in Kishkindha?

Sighted as he thy jewels

Fainted Ram in Lakshman’s lap.

Compelled as if by thy thought

Woke up Ram and tapped them all.

As if to dust them all then

Shed Ram tears on all of them.

Left with no more drop to drop

Seemed he drained his heart for thee.

For safe keeping of them all

Gave them Ram to Sugreeva.

Having thus lost thee consort

There none is to console Ram.

Had he no wink all these days

Pines he ever to sleep with thee

Having lost the trace of thee

Know thy man is truly lost.

Lost as he his lovely spouse

Pleases him none spring even.

It’s for certain that Rama

Would kill Ravan in Lanka.

Know vanars all bound by oath

Take thee back soon to thy Lord.

For he slew the vile Vali

Oath we took to help thy Lord.

Having crowned our Sugreeva

As the king of Kishkindha

Won’t we all owe to thy man?

Grateful Sugreev vow then took

To help thy man to get thee back.

It’s in thy search Sugreeva

Sent all simians to scan earth.

Bade us Sugreev not to leave

Stone unturned to search Seetha.

Vanars are on global hunt

To nail the vile who snared thee thus.

Angad son of slain Vali

Marched with some of us southward.

Lost we way in vast Vindhyas

Groped in dark for several weeks.

Not to go sans breaking news

To our Lord who owed thy man

Thought we all to end our lives.

If ever it came to the crunch

Felt we should die exhausted

In search of Rama’s dear Seetha.

Haunted by our own failure

Lost we hope of finding thee.

Low then we all felt to core

Lay we flat on mountain peak

Flew in then Sampaathi

Sibling of slain Jataayu.

Having heard his sibling’s death

Spaketh thus the agonized bird.

Pray thee tell me O vanars

Who did kill my good sibling?

Angad then told Sampaathi

Trying to save Rama’s spouse

Lost his sibling his own life.

Having heard the story thus

Sampaathi then told Angad

With the bird’s-eye view of his

Sensed he Ram’s spouse in Lanka.

Having got the clue from him

Led us southward then Angad.

At the prospect of success

Enthused were then all of us.

Sea vast in time as we reached

Poured that water on our hopes.

In that Angad and the rest

Saw the mission as ending there.

But the urge to find out thee Copyright 2016 - 2025