Canto 19 - Dame in Despair

Seetha whose head bowed so low

Sensed that Ravan neared her then.

Shook she like a paddy reed

Swept by stormy coastal winds.

Cried she no end in her fright

Black-eyed Seetha at the threat.

Like she was a forlorn boat

In the midst of sea that vast.

Severed as from a well-grown tree

Seemed so withered a branch Seetha.

In spite of her forlorn state

Gave her bright look innate charm.

Made though Ravan her captive

Mind of hers was with her man.

Bore she travails to love Ram

Than to triumphant Ravan turn.

Kept as captive by Ravan

End of tunnel she saw none.

Wondered Hanuman how her fate

Deemed it fit to languish her.

In her grief then looked Seetha

Like one caught in some scandal.

Looked she like a waning lamp

Amidst Ravan’s women on guard.

For the loss of Rama’s love

Wore she look of bankrupt then.

Made her grief then look her like

Lotus stem that plucked from bed.

Like the moon on eclipse night

Lost she spark of her charm then.

Looked she like a lotus pond

Trampled by score wild elephants.

River beds seemed cheeks her both

With lean streams in summer months.

Fair as lily though she was

Sunburns turned brown her fair skin.

Pined then Seetha as lioness

In some zoo for jungle mate.

With her thick plait Seetha looked

Like earth with its well-grown trees.

Fed by Rama’s thoughts Seetha

Lived she just by breathing air.

That her man might slay Ravan

Prayed she gods all in reverence.

It was in that state Ravan

Found the one he craved no end. Copyright 2016 - 2025