Canto 18 - Ravan on Heat

In time it was time to dawn

Sprang up Lanka to last man.

Vedic chants that rent the air

Sounded music to Hanuman.

Surely Ravan would wake up

Then to sound of that music.

Thought as Hanuman so Ravan

Stirred in bed in Seetha’s thought.

Lust of his for Rama’s wife

Made him lose his peace of mind.

Got as he down from his bed

Lost he no time to reach her.

Entered Ravan that garden

Failed it charm his enamored heart.

Stride in his to reach Seetha

Left Ravan all deer stranded.

Heat of Ravan’s lusting self

Made the drops of dew boil.

So to be at beck and call

Moved in tow his women folk too.

Heading he thus his harem

Headed Ravan to add one.

Fanned some then their man on move

Dames with swords some doubled for guards.

Held one pretty jug of gold

Filled with vintage wine for him.

Shade one leggy lass of grace

Gave him with a hood of gold.

Still in stupor some of them

Seemed to follow him by scent.

With no time to turn becoming

Followed him some as they woke.

Let loose was hair on their face

Had they none their bras on them.

Lusted they all for Ravan

Bestowed on them he favours.

Felt they proud of his valour

Fetched which riches of all worlds.

Wore they all those gold jewels

Made which Hanuman gasp for breath.

Sighted as he Ravan then

With the women he saw by night

Overawed Hanuman none the less.

Aiding nascent light at dawn

Led him some with candlelights.

With his libido thus evident

Looked Ravan like Cupid on earth.

In his stride his silk garment

Slid over his broad shoulders.

Overwhelmed by what he saw

Discreet distance kept Hanuman.

Hand in hand moved Ravan’s wives

Seemed they strengthened his position.

Cooed then koels to caution

Seetha as he seemed nearing.

Strode yet Ravan in long strides

Towards Seetha whom he snared.

Wondered Hanuman why Ravan

Wanted Seetha who spurned him.

For she spurned a handsome king

Valued Hanuman Rama’s spouse.

At the might of king Ravan

Felt he humble being strong.

At length Ravan reached Seetha

Turned who by then his heartthrob. Copyright 2016 - 2025