Lord Sugreev too for thy good.

Sent Sugreev thee his greetings

Words these with to caution thee.

In my exile I met Ram

Vow I took to stand by him.

Ram then wanted me to help

Him to fight who snared Seetha.

Thereby had I that barter

Whereby he would slay Vali

Stole who my wife unfairly.

To his vow to kill Vali

Made Ram Lakshman bear witness.

With that single arrow Ram

Brought an end to Vali’s reign.

Made as he me vanar king

Owe him I to stand by him.

‘Send back Seetha to Lord Ram’

Advice this mine to thee now

Come would Hanuman to deliver.

That thou know the vanar force

Could well conquer all three worlds

Hope thee heed this advice mine.

Slighted as he by these words

Lost his cool then Lankan king.

Gave he go by to dharma

Ordered I be put to death.

Spoke then sibling of Ravan

Revere all there as Vibhishan.

Goes thy diktat O my Lord

Not with grain of thy dharma.

In the annals of state craft

Sent are men to mend fences

Ill behoves the recipient king

Kills if he the one thus sent.

Punish if we must this vanar

Sever we could a limb or two.

At that Ravan gave orders

Tail mine be then set on fire.

Having hit my tail with sticks

Tied it they with jute and all.

Poured they tons of oil then

Set they thus my tail on fire.

So to slight me all the way

Taken was I round the streets.

That they could make fun of me

Led I was then to main square.

Vanar then I turned tiny

Slipped out of the ropes they tied.

Grew I then to touch the skies

Slew them all there at one go.

Set I fire to buildings all

There in Lanka one by one.

Burnt as Lanka to the core

Worried I was for Seetha.

Took I Seetha’s death for sure

Sank in sorrow to my knees.

Cried then as I unceasing

Heard I Yakshas talk in skies.

From their talk I learnt for sure

Came no harm to Rama’s spouse.

Felt it’s all but grace of hers

Gave that respite to my tail.

Reached I then the Lankan beach

Quenched there well my burning tail.

Went I straight to Seetha then

Took her leave to fly back home.

Took-off then I from Lanka

To head home to see thee all.

There in high skies I flew past

Sun with trillion stars ’n moon.

With the blessings of Rama

And the wishes of our folk

Bring I could thee good tidings.

In brief that’s all what happened

Much is left for us to do.

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