Bid me to take thee to Ram?

Such was Seetha’s perspective

Thought it would be fit for Ram

If he were to slay Ravan

And then take her back with him.

Wanted then I from Seetha

Something dear to both of them

So that I could show that Rama.

Thus she gave me this diadem

That she said would please her man.

Then she told me that episode

Wherein a crow turned eager

All to savour Seetha’s charms

That too when she was with Ram!

She was not to let me go

Wished as I to take her leave.

Wanted Seetha I tell Ram

Suffering hers for want of him.

Bid me she to fetch her man

Soon with Lakshman ’n Sugreev.

Were thou fail to bring Rama

And the rest in just two months

Live I not a day longer.

Spoke as she in such despair

Seized I was with burning rage.

Then and there I turned a fiend

Ravaged the grove that held her.

Cowered all beasts there so varied

Woke up in fright Seetha’s guards.

Seeing me thus in fury

Ran they all to tell Ravan.

Pictured they then to Ravan

Havoc I wrought in garden.

Were Ravan to give orders

Boasted they would make me pay.

In his bid to subdue me

Sent Ravan then his kinkars.

Eighty thousand strong they were

Slew I them all to last man.

‘Lost Lanka its vast army’,

Told Ravan his spies on prowl.

Chose I then their funeral place

Slew its guards with just one stroke.

With huge force to capture me

Sent then Ravan Prahastha’s son.

Spared I not then one even

Broke their backs with iron latch.

With the death of Prahastha’s son

Dispatched Ravan ministers’ sons.

One by one to hell all them

With that latch I then dispatched.

Not the one to give up soon

Sent Ravan his five Generals.

As I made them bite the dust

Chose Ravan to send his son.

Akshay though of tender age

Astute was he in warfare.

Yet I caught him by his legs

Flung him thus to Ravan’s court.

Enraged Ravan by all that

Sent his first born to battle.

That he subdued Lord Indra

Knows him world as Indrajit.

All his valour came to naught

When it came to me subdue.

Realizing I matched him well

Stunned me he with Brahmastra.

At his behest his flock then

Tied me with all sorts of ropes.

As they took me to Ravan

Fumed at me then he in rage.

Wanted he to find out then

Why thus I played spoilsport.

Him I told for Seetha’s sake

Caused I all that destruction.

Moreso made it clear to him

Sent I was by Lord Rama.

Gave thee counsel I told him Copyright 2016 - 2025