it on her side of the table. ´´You haven´t read it at all? Do you know what it is about?´´ Ciaran inquired. There was a silence, Moira thought it strange that he

would be so interested in the book, what did he know about it?. ´´I was told to read it, he said it would give me anwsers´´ she replied. Ciaran smiled ´´I wonder

what you will make of it´´ and with that said, all the tension left his face. Moira couldn´t explain it, she didn´t understand what had just happened, but she knew this

was not the time to ask these questions...she would read the book first.

The rest of the evening was full of good food and even better conversation, and Moira couldn´t remember ever having such a good time simply being in someone´s

company. Ciaran was well traveled and knew alot about many things. ´´It is late´´ Ciaran said and looked into the fire. Moira didn´t want the night to end yet, but she

said nothing. Instead she started to sing, it happened just like that...she couldn´t stop it. Her voice was deep and soft, strong but old song she didn´t even

recognize had found its way to her lips. This wasn´t the first time it had happened, and her singing filled the whole room. Lord Pendragon was suprised Copyright 2016 - 2025