in a black suit, with a simple black turtleneck under his jacket. His hair still bound at the nape of his neck, cleanshaven and regal...she wondered what his hair

would look like unbound. ´´It suits you well milady. Please..´´ he gestured for her to sit down. Ciaran himself held out her chair until she sat down and he took

a seat right across from her. ´´Is the room to your satisfaction?´´ he asked. ´´Yes, it is beautiful, thank you.´´ Moira replied. ´´Wine?´´ and the wine was the color

of her dress.

Lord Pendragon was formal this evening, not at all as open as he had been that afternoon. He looked at her differently too, something in his eyes she couldn´t

quite place. And then she saw it, the book! The book given to her by Calden in Galashiels... she had forgotten about it completely, but now it was on the table

in front of her. Lord Pendragon followed her gaze and met her eyes ´´Yes, you left this in your car. My manservant retrieved it earlier today. Is it yours?´´ he asked.

´´It was given to me yesterday, I haven´t read it yet. But please thank your man for me, it would have been a shame to lose it´´ and Moira took the book and placed Copyright 2016 - 2025